Huilo authored an illustrated gender mythology series, ‘Tales of a Jaguar Magician’. They are the founder of Jaguar Moon Press, Teatro Jaguar Luna, Jaguar Bridge Productions, Jaguar Luna Cultural Arts Collective. Huilo has created experimental films including, ‘Keeper of the Masques’, ‘Tea in the Cloud Forest’, ‘Grave Art’ and a documentary project, ‘Cries of a Jaguar’. Huilo was art director at a sea-change consulting firm in California. Huilo has exhibited sculpture & paintings around the world and shared various experimental productions with their theatre. They currently direct/produce and write the podcast ‘Teatro Absurdo’.
They studied marketing and advertising at Pace University. They have participated in innumerable mentorship and educational programs for writing, sculpting and film around the world, including Iowa Writer’s Workshop, BAFF film mentorship program, Santa Fe Clay and New College of California’s Environmental Art Program.